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폐질환·폐암(편평상피세포암) 환자 의료 및 단백체 데이터

폐질환·폐암(편평상피세포암) 환자 의료 및 단백체 데이터

  • 등록일2023-07-05
  • 조회수1613
  • 다운로드475
  • 카테고리감염병연구
  • 12

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데이터등록일 데이터 수정일 데이터 이용기한 판매제공처
2023-07-05 2023-07-05 무기한 셀키
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● 데이터 상품명 폐질환·폐암(편평상피세포암) 환자 의료 및 단백체 데이터 ● 데이터 상품 부제 암 특화 임상 및 단백체 데이터와 의료데이터 ● 데이터 상품 요약 미국 국립암연구소 (NCI), 가톨릭대학교 의과대학의 폐질환·폐암(선암) 의료 및 단백체 정성·정량 분석 결과 ● 데이터 상품 정보 ■ 상품 설명 및 특징 - 국내 최초·최대 암 관련 (관련 질병 포함) 당 단백질 질량분석 실험 데이터의 해석 및 당·단백질 리포지토리를 구축하고 정밀의료 연구기술에 발전시키고자 함 - 참여 병원으로부터 제공된 폐질환 폐암(선암) 환자 시료를 전처리하여 고분해능 질량분석기기를 통해 최적화된 분석을 진행하고 당사에서 자체 개발한 분석솔루션 SpAC9 Pipeline을 활용하여 데이터분석 등의 프로세스를 통하여 표준화 기준에 맞춰 최종 데이터를 가공, 생산함 - NCI 의 CPTAC에서 제공된 질량분석이 완료된 선암 RAW 데이터는 SpAC9 Pipeline을 활용하여 재분석하고 표준화 기준에 맞춰 데이터를 가공·생산함 ■ 기간 및 범위 - 2022년 9월 ~ 2022년 10월 ■ 컬럼(속성) 정보 - 집계시작년월 : 2022년 9월 - 집계시작년월 : 2022년 10월 ■ 약어/전문용어 설명 - NCI: National Cancer Institute - CPTAC: Clinical Proteome Tumor Analysis Consortium ■ 활용 예제 - 시스템 확대·발전 - 의료 및 단백체 빅데이터 고도화를 위한 유전단백체 변이 아틀라스 구축으로 시스템 확대 및 발전 - 인간의 유전단백체 변이 아틀라스를 구축하여 질병 별로 유전자 변이가 단백질의 변이를 일으키는 경우의 데이터베이스 구축하여 질병의 이해와 개인 맞춤형 신약 개발 및 진단 발굴 사업에 필요한 데이터를 제공

05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1468860 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 XXX_NP_001257327.1(pre=K,post=A) INFSANASR 403.5621 3 6880 6883 82.0 13114000000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f15.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1469372 C3N-03092 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 61 Male Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Ukraine VPS50 NP_060137.2(pre=K,post=E) syndetin isoform a GN=VPS50 LTDIRPIPDK 542.6706 3 26137 26142 83.0 2174310000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1470435 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 NP_006200.3(pre=R,post=R) LHYANNR 372.8748 3 7740 7741 90.0 198036000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1472385 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 HEXIM1 NP_006451.1(pre=R,post=W) protein HEXIM1 GN=HEXIM1 VPEEDSR 530.7761 2 9070 9071 66.0 3061210000.0
01CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190615 01CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190615_KL_f21.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 43805 C3L-00965 LUSC Tumor 63 Male Upper Lobe 4 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Russia Seventh Edition (2010) pT2 pN1 Staging Incomplete cM0 LMNA NP_733821.1(pre=R,post=T) lamin isoform A GN=LMNA SSFSQHAR 383.5394 3 5238 5242 103.0 332765000.0
10CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190726 10CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190726_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1473764 C3L-00923 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Female White Not-Hispanic or Latino Upper Lobe 4 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB United States Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis cM0 USP9X NP_001034679.2(pre=R,post=E) probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase FAF-X isoform 3 GN=USP9X TGETGIEETILEGHLGVTK 814.7906 3 36663 36676 234.0 1874900000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f09.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1475232 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NP_001002858.1(pre=K,post=P) GDLENAFLNLVQCIQNK 812.114 3 47403 47407 160.0 1534710000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1477327 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 MPV17 NP_002428.1(pre=R,post=G) protein Mpv17 GN=MPV17 GLQEHQR 366.2069 3 4753 4757 95.0 4992490000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1477457 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 MMRN2 NP_079032.2(pre=R,post=L) multimerin-2 precursor GN=MMRN2 SLEQHQR 376.2114 3 4880 4891 88.0 2117280000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478232 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 PLEC NP_958782.1(pre=K,post=R) plectin isoform 1 GN=PLEC QKEEAEREAR 426.7425 4 5586 5597 135.0 599519000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478507 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 SRCAP NP_006653.2(pre=R,post=C) helicase SRCAP GN=SRCAP STTTPPR 494.7856 2 5833 5848 75.0 256970000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478707 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 TALDO1 NP_006746.1(pre=K,post=A) transaldolase GN=TALDO1 DAMVAR 454.2479 2 5999 6000 36.0 2242930000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478778 C3N-02285 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 72 Female Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB Poland Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 COMMD4 NP_001308777.1(pre=K,post=C) COMM domain-containing protein 4 isoform 9 GN=COMMD4 EHAASLCR 391.5391 3 6062 6066 82.0 2924290000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478779 C3L-02963 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage I United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown COMMD4 NP_001308777.1(pre=K,post=C) COMM domain-containing protein 4 isoform 9 GN=COMMD4 EHAASLCR 391.5391 3 6062 6066 82.0 2924290000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478780 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete COMMD4 NP_001308777.1(pre=K,post=C) COMM domain-containing protein 4 isoform 9 GN=COMMD4 EHAASLCR 391.5391 3 6062 6066 82.0 2924290000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478781 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 HNRNPA1 NP_112420.1(pre=Q,post=K) heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 isoform b GN=HNRNPA1 KYHTVNGHNCEVR 518.7786 4 6062 6071 148.0 248473000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478782 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 HNRNPA1 NP_112420.1(pre=Q,post=K) heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 isoform b GN=HNRNPA1 KYHTVNGHNCEVR 518.7786 4 6062 6071 148.0 248473000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1478783 C3N-02285 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 72 Female Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB Poland Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 HNRNPA1 NP_112420.1(pre=Q,post=K) heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 isoform b GN=HNRNPA1 KYHTVNGHNCEVR 518.7786 4 6062 6071 148.0 248473000.0
07CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190714 07CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190714_KL_f22.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1480216 C3N-03877 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 53 Male Lower Lobe 7 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 NP_005461.2(pre=R,post=T) LGSQHSPGR 389.8863 3 5868 5871 79.0 362588000.0
07CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190714 07CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190714_KL_f22.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1481971 C3N-03877 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 53 Male Lower Lobe 7 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 XXX_NP_003080.2(pre=N,post=E) HHKEHPLK 429.0146 4 8976 8981 36.0 229127000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1483784 C3L-02963 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage I United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown RTCB NP_055121.1(pre=T,post=E) tRNA-splicing ligase RtcB homolog GN=RTCB NLDESDVQPVK 851.4765 2 21356 21358 125.0 59719300.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1483785 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete RTCB NP_055121.1(pre=T,post=E) tRNA-splicing ligase RtcB homolog GN=RTCB NLDESDVQPVK 851.4765 2 21356 21358 125.0 59719300.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1483786 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NSUN2 NP_060225.4(pre=R,post=M) tRNA (cytosine(34)-C(5))-methyltransferase isoform 1 GN=NSUN2 NVLLNNSEK 744.9456 2 21356 21359 128.0 6964330000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1483787 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NSUN2 NP_060225.4(pre=R,post=M) tRNA (cytosine(34)-C(5))-methyltransferase isoform 1 GN=NSUN2 NVLLNNSEK 744.9456 2 21356 21359 128.0 6964330000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1484932 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NP_001248357.1(pre=R,post=G) GYLHWVNER 468.2561 3 22012 22023 83.0 1163070000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1485957 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 LUM NP_002336.1(pre=L,post=I) lumican precursor GN=LUM TLYLDNNK 719.9189 2 22480 22493 109.0 34397100000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1486266 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 XXX_NP_061745.1(pre=N,post=S) DNIDSIHLTISTR 857.4585 2 22782 22783 92.0 1240600000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1487591 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NP_001309015.1(pre=R,post=A) ESLIDGIKR 496.9779 3 23769 23776 114.0 886787000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1488816 C3N-02434 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IB United States Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis Staging Incomplete XXX_NP_057123.1(pre=N,post=T) NVDLNILPEANK 450.2634 4 18795 18807 59.0 462233000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1488817 C3N-02339 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 78 Male Upper Lobe 7 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 XXX_NP_057123.1(pre=N,post=T) NVDLNILPEANK 450.2634 4 18795 18807 59.0 462233000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1488818 C3L-03961 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 48 Female Upper Lobe 3 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IB Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete XXX_NP_057123.1(pre=N,post=T) NVDLNILPEANK 450.2634 4 18795 18807 59.0 462233000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1488819 C3L-02127 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 66 Male Upper Lobe 4 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete XXX_NP_057123.1(pre=N,post=T) NVDLNILPEANK 450.2634 4 18795 18807 59.0 462233000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f11.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1491397 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 TLN1 NP_006280.3(pre=K,post=M) talin-1 GN=TLN1 ILADATAK 630.9016 2 24020 24028 88.0 45664900000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1493021 C3N-03880 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 76 Male Upper Lobe 2 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT1c pN1 pM0 cM0 NP_001288171.1(pre=K,post=K) YIQHTYR 403.888 3 8456 8460 68.0 357826000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1493819 C3L-02963 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage I United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown TAF15 NP_631961.1(pre=K,post=S) TATA-binding protein-associated factor 2N isoform 1 GN=TAF15 EFHGNIIKV 505.6431 3 24563 24564 97.0 1821390000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1493820 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete TAF15 NP_631961.1(pre=K,post=S) TATA-binding protein-associated factor 2N isoform 1 GN=TAF15 EFHGNIIKV 505.6431 3 24563 24564 97.0 1821390000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1493821 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NID1 NP_002499.2(pre=R,post=N) nidogen-1 precursor GN=NID1 QDLGSPEGIAVDHLGR 631.6745 3 24566 24567 126.0 21969600000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1493822 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NID1 NP_002499.2(pre=R,post=N) nidogen-1 precursor GN=NID1 QDLGSPEGIAVDHLGR 631.6745 3 24566 24567 126.0 21969600000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1493823 C3N-02285 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 72 Female Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB Poland Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 NID1 NP_002499.2(pre=R,post=N) nidogen-1 precursor GN=NID1 QDLGSPEGIAVDHLGR 631.6745 3 24566 24567 126.0 21969600000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1495457 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 GSS NP_000169.1(pre=P,post=K) glutathione synthetase GN=GSS DIATQLAGTK 738.4503 2 25549 25561 84.0 106613000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1496681 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NP_001881.1(pre=R,post=E) LQNPSESSEPIPLESR 671.3579 3 26300 26304 113.0 2002180000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1501821 C3N-03880 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 76 Male Upper Lobe 2 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT1c pN1 pM0 cM0 XXX_NP_002183.1(pre=K,post=P) KVAEVMEPQSNPVDK 590.3372 4 17751 17763 68.0 2951370000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1501882 C3N-03092 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 61 Male Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Ukraine PRRC2C NP_055987.2(pre=P,post=E) protein PRRC2C GN=PRRC2C DLSPVENK 680.3967 2 18391 18394 87.0 1118770000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1501912 C3N-03092 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 61 Male Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Ukraine H2AFX NP_002096.1(pre=R,post=N) histone H2AX GN=H2AFX HLQLAIR 360.5672 3 18391 18396 77.0 915815000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1501945 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 ACTR1B NP_005726.1(pre=K,post=Q) beta-centractin GN=ACTR1B DEALETEKV 746.4204 2 21763 21781 71.0 30797100.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1503823 C3N-02285 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 72 Female Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB Poland Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 PRTN3 NP_002768.3(pre=R,post=T) myeloblastin precursor GN=PRTN3 LVNVVLGAHNVR 507.3146 3 27483 27489 115.0 94098400000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1503824 C3L-02963 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage I United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown PRTN3 NP_002768.3(pre=R,post=T) myeloblastin precursor GN=PRTN3 LVNVVLGAHNVR 507.3146 3 27483 27489 115.0 94098400000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1503825 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete PRTN3 NP_002768.3(pre=R,post=T) myeloblastin precursor GN=PRTN3 LVNVVLGAHNVR 507.3146 3 27483 27489 115.0 94098400000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1503826 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 HSPA8 NP_006588.1(pre=A,post=R) heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein isoform 1 GN=HSPA8 MNPTNTVFDAK 848.4635 2 27483 27492 134.0 558682000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1503827 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 HSPA8 NP_006588.1(pre=A,post=R) heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein isoform 1 GN=HSPA8 MNPTNTVFDAK 848.4635 2 27483 27492 134.0 558682000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1504906 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NP_005461.2(pre=A,post=V) LIESYQNLTR 733.4179 2 28183 28184 121.0 816222000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1506642 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NP_001171488.1(pre=K,post=Q) TKPSDEEMLFIYGHYK 662.1158 4 30685 30686 113.0 223253000000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1506827 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NP_005461.2(pre=K,post=L) TLEPVKPPTVPNDYMTSPAR 891.158 3 29179 29195 115.0 9714560000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1508824 C3L-02963 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage I United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown NP_001185538.1(pre=R,post=R) ENVLFLTSGTR 733.4154 2 30107 30118 164.0 851977000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1508825 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete NP_001185538.1(pre=R,post=R) ENVLFLTSGTR 733.4154 2 30107 30118 164.0 851977000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1508826 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 BDH2 NP_064524.3(pre=K,post=C) 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 2 GN=BDH2 SVAADFIQQGIR 511.9597 3 30107 30119 121.0 1901740000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1508827 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 BDH2 NP_064524.3(pre=K,post=C) 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 2 GN=BDH2 SVAADFIQQGIR 511.9597 3 30107 30119 121.0 1901740000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1508828 C3N-02285 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 72 Female Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB Poland Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 BDH2 NP_064524.3(pre=K,post=C) 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 2 GN=BDH2 SVAADFIQQGIR 511.9597 3 30107 30119 121.0 1901740000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1508829 C3L-02963 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage I United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown BDH2 NP_064524.3(pre=K,post=C) 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 2 GN=BDH2 SVAADFIQQGIR 511.9597 3 30107 30119 121.0 1901740000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1508830 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete BDH2 NP_064524.3(pre=K,post=C) 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase type 2 GN=BDH2 SVAADFIQQGIR 511.9597 3 30107 30119 121.0 1901740000.0
18CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190903 18CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190903_KL_f24.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1513804 C3L-04071 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 69 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Upper Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB United States Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis cM0 SRPK2 NP_001337669.1(pre=R,post=Y) SRSF protein kinase 2 isoform d GN=SRPK2 HFALSGK 406.5862 3 17776 17778 64.0 663210000.0
18CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190903 18CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190903_KL_f24.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1513805 C3L-02625 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 66 Male Other 3 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN1 Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete SRPK2 NP_001337669.1(pre=R,post=Y) SRSF protein kinase 2 isoform d GN=SRPK2 HFALSGK 406.5862 3 17776 17778 64.0 663210000.0
07CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190714 07CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190714_KL_f22.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1520766 C3N-03877 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 53 Male Lower Lobe 7 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 CUX1 NP_001904.2(pre=R,post=K) protein CASP isoform b GN=CUX1 DCATFCAK 715.8632 2 17148 17151 108.0 538780000.0
13CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190815 13CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190815_KL_f13.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1513867 C3L-02627 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 64 Female Lower Lobe 2 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT1 pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NP_001278880.1(pre=R,post=A) DLVVTQCGN 617.8184 2 22748 22768 51.0 354143000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1514337 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 XXX_NP_789780.2(pre=K,post=V) LALCLGK 616.8935 2 30235 30236 65.0 3675420000.0
04CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190629 04CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190629_KL_f01.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1517233 C3N-02252 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Female White Not-Hispanic or Latino Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Other: unknown NP_001307950.1(pre=K,post=K) CGHTNNLRPK 414.487 4 6660 6676 30.0 48661500.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1518826 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NCOA7 NP_001186548.1(pre=K,post=F) nuclear receptor coactivator 7 isoform 1 GN=NCOA7 DMDNQIFGAYATHPFK 771.7334 3 33446 33455 175.0 280664000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1518827 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NCOA7 NP_001186548.1(pre=K,post=F) nuclear receptor coactivator 7 isoform 1 GN=NCOA7 DMDNQIFGAYATHPFK 771.7334 3 33446 33455 175.0 280664000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f18.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1520457 C3N-03092 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 61 Male Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Ukraine RBM45 NP_694453.2(pre=R,post=R) RNA-binding protein 45 GN=RBM45 GQEAISK 595.8627 2 11495 11497 81.0 947850000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1523831 C3N-02434 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IB United States Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis Staging Incomplete ACSL3 NP_001341087.1(pre=R,post=I) long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3 GN=ACSL3 IGYSSPQTLADQSSK 680.7032 3 24730 24731 128.0 592258000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1523832 C3N-02339 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 78 Male Upper Lobe 7 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 ACSL3 NP_001341087.1(pre=R,post=I) long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3 GN=ACSL3 IGYSSPQTLADQSSK 680.7032 3 24730 24731 128.0 592258000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1523833 C3L-03961 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 48 Female Upper Lobe 3 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IB Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete ACSL3 NP_001341087.1(pre=R,post=I) long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3 GN=ACSL3 IGYSSPQTLADQSSK 680.7032 3 24730 24731 128.0 592258000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1523834 C3L-02127 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 66 Male Upper Lobe 4 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete ACSL3 NP_001341087.1(pre=R,post=I) long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3 GN=ACSL3 IGYSSPQTLADQSSK 680.7032 3 24730 24731 128.0 592258000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1523835 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 ACSL3 NP_001341087.1(pre=R,post=I) long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3 GN=ACSL3 IGYSSPQTLADQSSK 680.7032 3 24730 24731 128.0 592258000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1523836 C3N-02434 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IB United States Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis Staging Incomplete ALB NP_000468.1(pre=R,post=L) serum albumin preproprotein GN=ALB RHPYFYAPEL 507.9393 3 24733 24734 125.0 1473280000000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1523837 C3N-02339 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 78 Male Upper Lobe 7 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 ALB NP_000468.1(pre=R,post=L) serum albumin preproprotein GN=ALB RHPYFYAPEL 507.9393 3 24733 24734 125.0 1473280000000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f18.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1527007 C3N-03092 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 61 Male Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Ukraine NP_680481.1(pre=K,post=N) AKQDPSYYLK 634.0438 3 22012 22014 125.0 762921000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1527556 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 XXX_NP_000431.2(pre=K,post=D) IMWGSE 967.4738 1 35341 35349 8.0 2248840000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1528841 C3N-04162 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 46 Male Upper Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 ADAM17 NP_003174.3(pre=K,post=V) disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 17 preproprotein GN=ADAM17 WQDFFTGHVVGEPDSR 702.6826 3 36084 36097 153.0 755213000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1528842 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 ADAM17 NP_003174.3(pre=K,post=V) disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 17 preproprotein GN=ADAM17 WQDFFTGHVVGEPDSR 702.6826 3 36084 36097 153.0 755213000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1528843 C3N-02285 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 72 Female Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB Poland Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 ADAM17 NP_003174.3(pre=K,post=V) disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 17 preproprotein GN=ADAM17 WQDFFTGHVVGEPDSR 702.6826 3 36084 36097 153.0 755213000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1529537 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NP_004078.2(pre=K,post=E) QIIEEQSGSYIWVPAK 769.4304 3 36483 36486 117.0 1804950.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1532800 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 NP_002642.1(pre=K,post=R) SLMAIGK 589.3718 2 27406 27412 87.0 198110000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1533385 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 NP_001309070.1(pre=K,post=G) EGGTWLGISTR 703.3849 2 27784 27796 128.0 1242790000.0
13CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190815 13CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190815_KL_f14.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1533850 C3L-00993 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 75 Male Lower Lobe 6 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2b pN2 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis cM0 LARP1 NP_056130.2(pre=K,post=K) la-related protein 1 GN=LARP1 QEVENFK 676.3858 2 19402 19405 98.0 3808550000.0
07CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190714 07CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190714_KL_f22.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1533851 C3N-03877 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 53 Male Lower Lobe 7 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 sp|P01870|IGHG_RABIT(pre=K,post=T) DTLMISR 532.8042 2 19423 19429 79.0 2364400000.0
07CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190714 07CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190714_KL_f22.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1533852 C3N-01846 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 70 Male Middle Lobe 4 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IB Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT2a pNX Staging Incomplete cM0 sp|P01870|IGHG_RABIT(pre=K,post=T) DTLMISR 532.8042 2 19423 19429 79.0 2364400000.0
07CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190714 07CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190714_KL_f22.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1533853 C3N-00247 LUSC Tumor 77 Female White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 2 Other G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIA United States Seventh Edition (2010) pT1b pN1 Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete sp|P01870|IGHG_RABIT(pre=K,post=T) DTLMISR 532.8042 2 19423 19429 79.0 2364400000.0
04CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190629 04CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190629_KL_f01.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1536368 C3N-02252 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Female White Not-Hispanic or Latino Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Other: unknown OGFR NP_031372.2(pre=R,post=M) opioid growth factor receptor GN=OGFR AARPSSFQSR 445.9162 3 6813 6820 116.0 456873000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f11.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1536502 C3N-03875 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 68 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IB China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 pM0 cM0 NP_001340275.1(pre=R,post=S) SGKYDLDFK 440.7623 4 25001 25012 97.0 160385000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1538880 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete VPS35 NP_060676.2(pre=K,post=V) vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 35 GN=VPS35 LLDEAIQAVK 779.4922 2 38528 38534 139.0 1779050000.0
10CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190726 10CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190726_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1543590 C3N-04127 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 63 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 CAPN5 NP_004046.2(pre=R,post=A) calpain-5 GN=CAPN5 NEFWCALVEK 585.3179 3 42030 42040 108.0 747660000.0
10CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190726 10CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190726_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1543871 C3N-03486 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 3 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma GX Grade cannot be assessed Stage IA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT1b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 ANKRD26 NP_055730.2(pre=K,post=D) ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 26 isoform 1 GN=ANKRD26 LNSLEIEFHHTRDALREKTLGLERVQK 784.8444 5 42177 42190 56.0 5770310000.0
10CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190726 10CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190726_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1543872 C3L-02951 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 61 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 5 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIA United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown ANKRD26 NP_055730.2(pre=K,post=D) ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 26 isoform 1 GN=ANKRD26 LNSLEIEFHHTRDALREKTLGLERVQK 784.8444 5 42177 42190 56.0 5770310000.0
10CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190726 10CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190726_KL_f17.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1544171 C3N-03486 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 3 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma GX Grade cannot be assessed Stage IA Ukraine Seventh Edition (2010) pT1b pN0 Staging Incomplete cM0 NP_001258851.1(pre=-,post=M) MLSLDFLDDVRR 570.3147 3 42471 42487 133.0 4628110000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1548883 C3N-02285 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 72 Female Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIB Poland Eighth Edition (2017) pT3 pN0 pM0 cM0 CIAO3 NP_071938.1(pre=R,post=G) cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NARFL isoform 1 GN=CIAO3 LLEEEGVSLPDLEPAPLDSLCSGASAEEPTSHR 1245.6184 3 42387 42402 182.0 117951000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1548884 C3L-02963 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 71 Male White Not-Hispanic or Latino Lower Lobe 3 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage I United States Eighth Edition (2017) pT2a pN0 No pathologic evidence of distant metastasis unknown CIAO3 NP_071938.1(pre=R,post=G) cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NARFL isoform 1 GN=CIAO3 LLEEEGVSLPDLEPAPLDSLCSGASAEEPTSHR 1245.6184 3 42387 42402 182.0 117951000.0
02CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190618 02CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190618_KL_f10.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1548885 C3L-02646 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 74 Male Lower Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Stage IIIA Bulgaria Seventh Edition (2010) pT3 pNX Staging Incomplete Staging Incomplete CIAO3 NP_071938.1(pre=R,post=G) cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly factor NARFL isoform 1 GN=CIAO3 LLEEEGVSLPDLEPAPLDSLCSGASAEEPTSHR 1245.6184 3 42387 42402 182.0 117951000.0
06CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190710 06CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190710_KL_f19.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1552622 C3N-03092 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 61 Male Squamous cell carcinoma G2 Moderately differentiated Ukraine NP_001295140.1(pre=R,post=A) LQDLVSPVYSYLWTRPAVGR 850.4746 3 43967 43975 80.0 316417000.0
05CPTAC_LSCC_Proteome_BI_20190705 05CPTAC_LSCC_W_BI_20190705_KL_f05.raw CPTAC_Proteome 20200812 20221201 1553325 C3N-03051 LUSC Tumor_and_Normal 65 Male Upper Lobe 5 Squamous cell carcinoma G3 Poorly differentiated Stage IIIA China Eighth Edition (2017) pT2b pN2 pM0 cM0 UBA1 NP_003325.2(pre=D,post=Q) ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 GN=UBA1 RFEVQGLQPNGEEMTLK 812.1111 3 30143 30145 127.0 80950400.0
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